Monday, October 31, 2011


It’s been a while since I blogged, so I really want to make it a good one. I want to talk about being humble. As a human it’s a struggle and I do want to be honest. I believe when you do things for the Lord you can find yourself being prideful of different things. Sure it’s great to feel good about something. You just need to keep yourself in check and understand that there is someone out there is better than you, who know more than you, or that is in a higher position than you. But that is when you show respect and soak up as much wisdom from people that you can. We are always growing and learning. I believe that God expects us to continue to learn from things and to read the word. Just as Elisha trained under Elijah and mentored, I want to soak up as much wisdom as I can. Because I know I don’t have everything figured out. But I am learning every day.
This is a short blog, but I hope to jump back on this and write more about my next series of sermons.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Coke Ministry

What a day!!!!! We had our first ever coke ministry day at Wal-Mart….. You ask what is a coke ministry? Well you hand out drinks in front of a store with no strings attached (of course we were doing it in Jesus name). It was an interesting day and we had a great time with some great stories. However it’s so amazing when you tell people that we were giving away stuff and not asking for a donation. The quotes of the day was “Why are you just giving these away?” and “What are you doing it for?”
This tells me a couple of things.
1. We have way too many groups asking for money, for many different things and people expect to give money for something.
2. People now days don’t expect anything for free.
I pose this question for any ministry out there, what have you done in the name of Jesus and not expected nothing in return? The bible says: And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward." Matthew 10:42.
The reason I ask is, why we aren’t we doing more ministry stuff like this. One thing is we are so worried about going and doing things for the kids, like taking them on youth retreats, summer camps, and fun stuff for them. Don’t get me wrong all these things are good, but we stretch ourselves too thin and we forget about doing ministry.
Again I challenge ever ministry, do something for the community, city, and so on and don’t expect anything in return. I believe you will get a better blessing. Do in Jesus name and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I am Second!!!!

What or who have you put first in your life. Is it you, someone, or even something? I posed a question to our teenagers tonight about who is first in their life. It really hit home, because it made me think about whom or what I have first in my life. I always want to have God number one in my life no matter what. We get so caught up into the things of this world, but we get so busy that life becomes number one. When are we going to let God be number and guide our life then letting life guide us?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Some of My Thoughts

Wow, it’s been a while since I have posted something, but I thought that I would write some of my thoughts down. For the past 4 to 5 months it’s been a rough ride, being in the ministry and being called. But the message on Sunday morning touched my heart, because when has the last time I that I cried before the Lord. When has been the last time I truly sought him. My prayer is for our teenagers in our church to give up the things of this world and follow Christ.