Sunday, February 20, 2011

I am Second!!!!

What or who have you put first in your life. Is it you, someone, or even something? I posed a question to our teenagers tonight about who is first in their life. It really hit home, because it made me think about whom or what I have first in my life. I always want to have God number one in my life no matter what. We get so caught up into the things of this world, but we get so busy that life becomes number one. When are we going to let God be number and guide our life then letting life guide us?

1 comment:

  1. Chris, this is so awesome!! I had no idea that you had spoke to the kids about this. I have had a burden about this same issue and Sunday morning I talked to Diamond about it. I can't believe that you talked about the same thing that night! Just shows that God does speak to us when he is trying to help us. I think we all need to improve in this area. We can't be too close to God. I wish that people would put seeking God first at church and the power of God would fill us like never before. But he knows when we are preoccupied with the time, or our plans, and don't want to take the time to really seek him. We need to get back to our first love with Christ and realize that he could just as easily only be there for us when he felt like it, or had extra time. But he isn't, he is there all the time and always has time for us. That is because he "truly" loves us. Love is a word that is thrown around so casually today. But if we "truly" love God the way we should, we will put him first - before EVERYTHING! He died for us, and all he wants is our love! That's it. And we should make sure we are loving him with everything we have! I am praying that more people will feel this burden and realize we need to put God first. We have to if we want to see results in our churches and our everyday lives!
    Stay encouraged!! :)
