Friday, July 6, 2012

Culture Change and the Church

This is my first blog this year and I have been really quit for a while. But I guess I want to express my opinion. I have been seeing a big culture change in the past 10 years. I am sure it’s been going on longer, but for me I am noticing it now. The big topics are to removing Jesus from any public/government places, homosexuality, and the only way I know how to put it is a move of Godless people. From the book “A heart Ablaze” by John Bevere we are being changed by the culture and not changing the culture.
The word holiness has been thrown around a lot and there are a lot of Christians that are afraid of that word. The reason is because it was abuse and a number of people have been burned. The word holiness means to be clean and pure, and the church word is separated from the world (2 Corinthians 6:17). Did you know that there are more mentions of God being Holy than God being Love? Now, I know that God is love and love covers us all, but the point I want to get across is that God is holy and it’s only through the blood that you can even approach him, because he is holy. We are fallen creation, because of sin and there is only one way to God the father and that is through Jesus. The bible says we are to turn from the sin, which was our old self. That means sin is oppose of who God is and his character.

To the point: Just because culture says it right doesn’t mean its right. God has not changed nor will he; God is still holy and he will not accept sin. The bible is very clear about sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-10); I didn’t make these up God did. Topic 1: As I stated earlier there is only one way to God and that is through Jesus Christ, he is the son of God. Topic 2: It’s sin, no matter what people say. It is wrong just like adultery, drunkenness, and greed. We are to love people and not the sin no matter what the sin is, but we cannot make any sin look like its ok. That is not judging a person that is speaking the truth of God. Just remember to love people, pray for them, and let God change them (you can’t change people). Last Topic: The last topic: We have left our first love and that is Jesus. This is the reason for the first two topics. So many churches are not preaching truth and they are more worried about entertainment. People need to hear the word of God. They need to see the power of the Holy Spirit fall. We need to listen more to the Holy Spirit and get back to the truth than worried about what Facebook says or what movies that are coming out. This next generation needs the word of God to stick to them, because it’s apparent the message from the church isn’t doing the job. What will it take for the church to change the culture and not the culture change the church? Prayer and getting back to our first love Jesus Christ.

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